What you can expect:

Keynote Speaker

Melissa McGavick,

International Director

Melissa McGavick, DTM, of Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, is a professional speaker and trainer. She is the owner of McGavick Interactive Training, which was founded in 2004.

McGavick earned a bachelor of arts degree in communications and media studies from Pennsylvania State University. In 2008, she was awarded Business Woman of the Year by the Women’s Business Network of Western Pennsylvania for her excellence and leadership in her profession. The following year, she served as president of the Board of Directors for the same organization.

A Toastmaster since 2004, McGavick’s home club is Cranberry High Noon Toastmasters in Cranberry Township. She has held a number of high-profile leadership positions within Toastmasters and has attained the Distinguished Toastmaster designation—the highest level of educational achievement in the organization.

“As a business owner, Toastmasters has given me the opportunity to learn to communicate more clearly with my clients. The leadership positions in the Toastmasters program have afforded me the opportunity to develop higher level leadership skills that typically only executives of large corporate organizations have the opportunity to practice,” she said.

As a member of the Toastmasters International Board of Directors, McGavick is a “working ambassador” for the organization. She works with the Board to develop, support, and modify the policies and procedures that guide Toastmasters International in fulfilling its mission.